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Pest Control

A wide range of pest control supplies for the management of unwanted insects and animals around the home and workplace. If an infestation is present it is not only stressful, but some creatures can also pose health risks; the droppings from rodents can pass diseases to humans, and flies can spread harmful bacteria. The selection of products we have are considered humane and deal with unwelcome pests quickly and effectively. The range includes traps and baits which will kill the subject, whilst repellents will prevent them from staying where they are not wanted.

Regular price £5.99
Regular price £6.99
Regular price £4.99
Regular price £5.49 Sold Out
Regular price £5.49 Sold Out
Regular price £8.49 Sold Out
Regular price £3.50 Sold Out
Regular price £4.50 Sold Out
Regular price £3.39 Sold Out
Regular price £8.29 Sold Out
Regular price £8.99 Sold Out