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Dicentra Formosa "Sweet Hearts" - 5L

Regular price £14.99

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  • Other common names common bleeding heart
    western bleeding heart

    see more
  • Synonyms Dicentra eximia misapplied

  • Family Papaveraceae

  • Genus Dicentra can be rhizomatous or tuberous perennials with attractively divided leaves and pendent, heart-shaped flowers, usually in arching panicles or racemes

  • Details D. formosa is a wide-spreading rhizomatous perennial with abundant, lobed leaves 10-45cm long, mid-green above and glaucous beneath. Pendulous flowers are borne on branching, arching stems in late spring and early summer; usually pink, opening from deep rose-pink buds

How to grow

Cultivation Grow in moist, fertile, humus-rich soil, preferably neutral or slightly alkaline; site in partial shade although will tolerate sunnier spot if the soil is moist

Propagation Propagate by division in early spring or after the leaves have died down. Propagate by seed, sowing seeds as soon as ripe or in spring

Suggested planting locations and garden types Flower borders and beds Cut Flowers Ground Cover Underplanting of Roses and Shrubs Cottage & Informal Garden Rock Garden

How to care

Pruning No pruning required

Pests Slugs and snails can damage emerging foliage

Diseases Generally disease free