- Description
- Specific pests
- Specific diseases
- Pruning
- Propagation methods
Botanical name
Penstemon 'Arabesque Series' (Arabesque Series)
Other names
Penstemon 'Arabesque Series' , Beardtongue 'Arabesque Violet'
Variety or Cultivar
'Arabesque Series' _ 'Arabesque Series' is an upright, bushy, semi-evergreen perennial bearing ovate, mid-green leaves and, from summer into autumn, upright panicles of large, tubular to bell-shaped flowers
Native to
Garden origin
Semi evergreen
Bushy, Upright
Mid-green in All seasons
How to care
Watch out for
General care
Deadhead after flowering to maintain vigour. In autumn, cut back by 2/3 of plant height to prevent wind damage, leaving 1/3 to protect the crown from frost. Remove all old stems at the base in mid- to late spring once new shoots emerge at ground level.
Division, Semi-hardwood cuttings, Softwood cuttings
Where to grow
Penstemon 'Arabesque Series' (Arabesque Series) (Penstemon 'Arabesque Series' ) will reach a height of 0.6m and a spread of 0.6m after 2-5 years.
Suggested uses
Beds and borders, Bees (attract & feed bees), City, Cottage/Informal
Plant in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun with shelter from cold, drying winds and frost. Tolerates light shade. Protect with a dry winter mulch.
Soil type
Chalky, Loamy, Sandy
Soil drainage
Soil pH
Acid, Alkaline, Neutral
Partial Shade, Full Sun
South, East, West
Exposed, Sheltered